
Zoe 總是像個大磁鐵.走到哪裡都會遇到朋友. 學生,聽眾,讀者, 都與姐姐成為好朋友. 各位親朋好友,如果願意在這個網站分享跟姊姊的回憶,請這裡. Zoe had a magnetic personality that attracted friends wherever she went. Students, listeners and readers, many of them became her life-long friends. Dear friends and family, if you'd like to share a memory of Zoe here, please visit contact page for tribute form.

Facebook 連結

Zoe Hwang's Facebook - Zoe's FB account is now memorialized. Many of her friends have share their memories of Zoe there as well.

Zoe 的小學同學。。。 瑞芬(佐依子)Zoe 永別了~我摯愛的同學你的熱情你的愛永遠留在人間. 安息了~當個快樂的小天使

Dearest and sweetest classmate, Zoe, your love and passion will stay in my heart forever. R.I.P. [ more 。。。]

IC之音FM97.5 。。。記憶中的Zoe老師,熱情、幽默,有著非常豐富的古典樂知識喜愛與大家分享旅行趣事。節目中,總能聽到她溫暖的話語及爽朗的笑聲。歡迎您一同聆聽Zoe老師用心製作的節目,透過聲音緬懷她的風采。留言中也可以重溫Zoe老師在1988年伊莉莎白大賽聲樂組獲得銅牌獎的現場演唱音檔 [ more 。。。]




Individual tribute pages

Li-Chan Chen-Maxham

Jessica Chen

Beatrice Long

Jolly Huang

Alice Chen

Miki Chen

Joanne Hsieh

Irene Chen

Lina Yeh

廖嘉弘ProArte(Concert into)

邱明宏Cellissimo Qiu

Chen 陳同學
